Into the Wild...
Welcome, Wildwood dreams is here to offer bushcraft skills to the local community. Come and develop your bushcraft skills to become empowered and trust yourself within nature. The aim here is to learn together, be humble, let nature reveal all it’s wonderful gifts and ways to assist our survival in the woodland.
As well as bushcraft Wildwood dreams would like to give the opportunity for individuals to express themselves from the heart in a sharing circle around the campfire.
Wildwood dreams main motivation is fun, so along with learning skills there are opportunities for child led learning, child led play and also permission and structured activities for storytelling, drama, singing and dance.
Bushcraft morning and afternoon sessions include the following activities...
- Shelter building & roundhouse construction
- Natural cordage production to make string
- Friction Fire lighting & cooking on a fire
- Foraging, Hiking & Natural navigation
- Water purification
- Tree climbing & Tree, plant & animal identification
- Natural Perception & Awareness exercises
- Woodland Art & Craft, clay working
- Whittling & effective knife skills
- Campfire song & woodland games
- Games like wheelbarrow racing, eagle eyes, tig hide & seek
- Chi gong
- Nature walks
- Fairy glenn construction
- Stories & sharing circles
Mondays in Woodbank Park, Stockport
£15 for 2 hours per child & adults are free
Afternoon session
£20 for 3 hours per child & adults are free
Full day
£25 for the full day includes 2 hour morning session and 3 hour afternoon
Maximum of 10 places per session. Prices will be negotiable for low income households.
Our sessions are aimed at everyone from all age ranges, including charities and those with disabilities as well. As the access is really good and activities can be tailored to meet the abilities of the individual. We also offer a reduced rate for people with low incomes.What to bring
Warm clothes, full waterproofs, change of clothesAll sessions run by a Fully trained bushcraft practitioner
Session Structure
Discover our site...
Start the session by being shown our boundaries, a few rules, hazard awareness and toilet wherebouts.
Create Fire...
The first thing to do in any survival or stay out in the woods is to establish a fire. You will:
- Collect wood & tinder
- Chop wood
- Learn how to start a fire
- Maintain your own fire for ten minutes
- Build a tripod or gadget to hold a Billy can
- Learn how to boil water independently
- Learn about fire safety & awareness
A little history...
Around the fire, learn a little bit about aboriginals, the dreamtime & Darwinian evolution.
Become one with Nature...
Our focus will be on our perception as a human, and how one traditionally sees ourselves as separate from nature, where in fact the opposite is true! We will use all our senses and inner knowing to be aware that Our humaness is an integral part of the Nature that is seen around.
A guided walk will introduce you to the different species of the woods. Perceiving the wildlife as friends and communicate through bird song (whistling) and composting soils (bringing in diversity to the woodland and Nourishing the soils).
Connect and question...
Start to feel or sense the connection with nature and share what this connection stimulates within us. Become more aware of the body through the use of your breath.
- What is the environment teaching us? Especially the water.
- What can we see? Spend time looking at the insects and recording their journeys.
- What are they doing?
- What can we touch? Water, trees, leaves, bark or soil.
- What can we smell?
- What can we hear?
- How do we feel?
In groups or pairs, go out into the woods or work to collect parts/elements of the wood or nature to discuss later on. Every leaf is different! We will be collecting leaves then each individual will spend time splitting the leaf up into sections then reconstructing the sections to make the whole leaf again.
Tree Climbing, Fun & Games...
Free time for activities like stick fighting, hide and seek, tig, imagination games and battles (e.g. An imaginary battle between two teams such as Fortnight/Star Wars where bases are defended and hero's are created!)
Shelter Construction...
Each individual will be provided with the materials to construct (and deconstruct) their own shelter.